
Zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes
Zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes

The number "81194" is tattooed across the left side of his neck. He wears the standard orphanage uniform- a white shirt and trousers along with plain shoes. Around the sides, it appears to spike upwards, following the shape of his head, and he also has triangular forest-green eyes with noticeably small black irises. Ray is a slim boy of average height with somewhat messy short black hair, parted to the right so that the longer, chin-length clumps on his left obscure much of his face. Ray also began working on developing the Transmitter-crippling device, coordinating an escape plan, as well as collecting lighting fuel from Isabella's gifts in order to use himself as a trump card and distract Isabella the time came, so he could help Emma and Norman to escape. He sought to read all the books that were available in the Grace Field library before turning 12. In addition, Ray's loyalty towards Isabella as her spy was actually all just an act, as this was Ray's way of benefiting from the enemy.Įver since this incident, despite having no interest in reading and studying, Ray purposely adopted the habit of reading, as a way to do well academically in Grace Field so he would be the top student in the orphanage (in order words, "premium quality" meat).

zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes

In actuality, Ray's gifts were actually part of the escape plan of his which he would make use of the gifts to make a certain device which could benefit in the escape. In exchange for keeping an eye of the orphans from behind, Ray requested Isabella to give him certain gifts in return for being "good" to her. After knowing how his theory is indeed true, Ray made a trade with Isabella and became her spy. Ray then went to confirm with Isabella on the truth behind the orphanage and how he might be her biological son, a theory which he had been keeping to himself for some time. ĭuring Ray's sixth birthday, Isabella overheard Ray humming the same song that she had sung to her unborn child when she was pregnant. He thus mingled with the two often and created warm memories with them such as talking with a sickly Norman through a tin can alongside Emma, Emma and Norman getting his attention away from reading by making funny faces, and exploring the gate that encircles Grace Field House. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to save everyone was another reason why he was so insistent about only escaping with a certain amount of people.ĭue to their close age and probably the fact that they are the top students academically, Ray was exceptionally close to Emma and Norman. It’s shown that Ray cut open his ear to break the tracker, alerting Isabella, and setting his deal with her into action.

zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes

He became depressed and stopped trying to find fake happiness, eventually becoming fed up with his burdens and bringing matters into his own hands. He wasn’t able to seek help in anyone and had to watch as his siblings were shipped off, while he and Mama were the only ones in the orphanage to truly know where they were going. With these newfound realizations, Ray started developing nightmares and intense feelings of guilt, pain, and loneliness. As Ray grew up, he realized that there were inconsistencies between his own memories and the reality that spread before him in the orphanage, and eventually discovered the true purpose of the orphanage, the litany of tests, the gates surrounding the orphanage, and the numbers on his neck, the tracker inside their ears when he became literate. Ray did not suffer from childhood amnesia, and such, he remembered his life before he arrived at the orphanage including being in his mother's womb, having the farm's tracker stapled into his ear, the infants being divided into groups of five, the human adults and demons in different facilities, and when he was sent to Grace Field House. A year after his birth in 2035, Ray was removed from his mother's hands and sent to Grace Field House. Ray was born on January 15, 2034, to Isabella through artificial insemination.

Zendaya neverland behind tthe scenes